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Board of directors
The NCSRC Board of Directors (BOD) is designed to represent each of the “historic” Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Regions, when possible. A simple majority of members are those individuals who are appointed to their respective State or Territory SRC, while some Coalition members are comprised of SRC staff who work specifically for their Council or their VR agency.
The Board was created to assure organizational development, provide direction, education, training and a continual information stream to Councils & Commissions. The NCSRC BOD plans the spring and fall NCSRC conferences, oversees the NCSRC website, assists with mentoring SRCs as needed, makes reports two (2) times a year during the spring and fall business meetings of the Council of State Administrators for Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) Conferences to the membership, conducts national telephone training conferences quarterly, maintains financial records for the membership and serves as a link to all SRCs, CSAVR & RSA.

The BOD will conduct national calls twice per year beginning at 2:30 p.m. EST. and meet twice per year in person. Topics will vary based on the needs of the members and their requests. The calls are for all SRC members and are toll free. Council chairs and liaisons will be sent the date, time and topic to be forwarded to their State or Territory’s SRC. The information for the calls is also posted on the website.


Graham Sisson - President (Alabama Combined VR Staff)
graham.sisson@rehab.alabama.gov | (334) 293-7189

Kerri Fradette – Vice President (Connecticut SRC)

Karen Stanfill - Secretary (Texas Blind/General SRC)

Theresa Hamrick - Treasurer, NCSRC
Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR)


Bernadine Chavez (New Mexico SRC)

Tom Jennings (New Jersey General)

Pat Tomlinson (New Jersey General SRC)

Kate Travis (Connecticut General SRS)
Represent CRPs

Shelby Satko (Washington General SRC)

Julia Barol (Pennsylvania SRC)
Represent CRPs

Carolina Colclasure (Oklahoma SRC)


Jason Hunter

3rd Tuesday of each month (unless national holiday & the call will be the following Wednesday) – Teleconference (2:30 Eastern / 1:30 Central / 12:30 Mountain / 11:30 Pacific)
Please contact the NCSRC President or Vice-President by email or telephone if you wish to have an item included in the BOD conference call agenda.
Additional meetings may be added for the Conference Design Team - dates to be announced.

Procedure forNomination to Board
Board of DirectorsStructure:
- Maximum 12: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; four to eightmembers at large.
- Wide regionalcoverage.
- CSAVR Staff memberinvited by the BOD to participate as a non-voting member.
- Non-votingconsultants with special expertiseinvited by the BOD to participateas indicated.
Criteria for Nomination:
- Nominee’s state SRC must have a signed NCSRC Resolution.
- Experience as a state SRC Executive Director, Chair, Vice-Chair, CommitteeChair, or VR Liaison of a State SRC.
- Treasurer: non-termlimit position (CAP; 121:VR liaison; SRC Executive Director) for checkingaccount continuity.
- If SRC member, must have a current appointment.
- Ability tocommunicate and share ideas and information effectively.
- Ability to develop, conduct, and facilitate group training on all facets ofan SRC.
- Knowledgeable ofSection 105 (SRC mandate) of WIOA, its philosophy, intent, and implementationstrategies and issues.
- Knowledgeable ofTitle I (VR Services) section of WIOA.
- Knowledgeable ofFederal/State VR structure and partnership.
- Team player.
Personal & Financial Resource Commitment:
- In-person attendanceat Spring and Fall general and Board meetings held in conjunction with CSAVR.
- State SRC funding forregistration, travel, per diem, and other expenses at Spring and Fall meetings.(Note- NCSRC does not pay conference expenses for members or officers.)
- Attendance at monthlyBoard of Directors conference calls and national membership calls.
Procedure for Appointment:
- Nomination sent toNCSRC Board of Directors President by State SRC (nominee recommendation andresume attached).
- Board of Directorsreview nomination to determine if criteria are met and if regionalrepresentation is open.
- Virtual interview of nominee with Board of Directors.
- Selection, rejection, or waiting list determination.
NCSRC ByLaws approved 5/26/2021
NCSRC contacts
NCSRC President
Graham Sisson